Important People

I miss when the most significant person in my life was Barbie.
She never let me down.
And more importantly,
she was always there when I needed her.

On another note, today:
1. I brushed my teeth five times for no apparent reason.
2. I put on mascara twice because I seem to have grown a strange affinity for eye makeup remover. (100% oil free, of course.)
3. I watched my favorite movie.
4. I appreciated my breasts. Long story.
5. My grandmother wished me a Happy Mother's Day.
5.a. I found myself confused because I am not a mother.
6. I was reminded that nothing, not even an oatmeal bath, can help the eczema that is now making itself at home in the pits of my elbows, behind my knees and right below my hip bones.
7. I ate yummy Chinese food that came with two pink carnations. (Perhaps another Mother's Day wish?)
8. I realized I have a bit emo and heavy-hearted in the past days.
9. I picked out an outfit for my interview...which is today.
10. I began making summer playlists. I will soon post them.

That is all for now, I suppose.


Kyle said...

It was nice hearing from you today.

I knew a guy in high school who brushed his teeth compulsively for months I guess. So he ended up wearing away the skin in his mouth so severely that they had to put in a cadaver's pallet in his mouth. I guess what I'm saying is it's a slippery slope...

Are you doing anything fun with your summer?