There's something about cleaning that's always so charming. Maybe it's the awesome cleaning playlists you listen to. Perhaps it's the journals, photographs and concert tickets from years past that you find. Or maybe the charm is there in the moment you finish. You step back to take a look at your art. You nod. You lay down in the newly made bed, the blanket all the way from Arizona. You nap. You wake up to slighly messier covers. It's nice. I'm a fan.
Anyways. Here's a little about my day (in a list, of course):
- I woke up early to a call from an old friend.
- I showered, got dressed and head off to the dump to do a bit of recycling.
- I took my drivers test and passed with flying colors.
- I ate some cheesy tots and enjoyed it.
- I hung out with previously mentioned old friend. We looked at old photos and notes and tickets (found while cleaning). We ate homemade pizza. We (I) drove to JHU's bookstore which doubles as a Barnes and Noble and bought some books of fiction. We parted ways.
- I made plans.
- I was forced to cancel plans.
- I cleaned floors to no avail.
- I made more plans.
- I am still waiting. Few hours left. I'm a tad bit worried about the weather. Let's hope for the best.
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