if i lived in china

If I could have anything, it would be a man like this.

In other news, last night was Thanksgiving for me and Darlene! (Minus turkey, plus chicken.) It was delicious. Today, I was sent on grocery shopping errands and it was a disaster. What I learned is that a grocery store is really just a place where you are constantly questioning who you are. Example: Where would I be if I were a can of water chestnuts? It's unbelievable.

And on that note, 'unbelievable' is my new word. Maybe I've just become a bitter east-coaster again, but literally everything that happens is unbelievable. I promise.

Also, this year for Christmas I am celebrating like any good Jew. Chinese food and a movie.

The bear dreams are back.

Finally. There is this film by Kevin Barker coming out (possibly showing at the Sarasota Film Festival) called The Family Jams that I NEED to see. It follows an early tour of Devendra Banhart, Joanna Newsom and Vetiver's. Must have, folk(s or whoever reads this).


Kyle said...

Somewhat related to you becoming a bitter east-coaster, today I went downtown and drank hot spiced red wine from a Styrofoam cup at a German Christmas expo. As it snowed on me and I contemplated the useless trinkets and what sort of people might feel the need to own the sorts of things one might buy at a German Christmas expo in downtown Chicago, I noticed a young mother guiding her son, with her hand on his shoulder — both holding steaming white cups of hot chocolate— smiling as if she'd led an entirely chaste mormon life and just arrived in heaven where she expected to be rewarded with seventy husbands (or however that goes).

Anyway, despite it being a freezing, vacuous, unenthusiastic gang-bang of petty, capitalism, I felt my heart warm and thought, "Isn't Christmas nice?"