It's official. Being home is probably the worst thing I've ever experienced. Not only is the house (literally) falling apart, not only do I not have anywhere to sleep, not only am I going to be alone and without transportation for the next three days, but I have no money.
I am without money, without a car, without anyplace to go. My check from school still hasn't come. I'm getting worried, especially with a $200 credit card bill to pay by the 15th. I may just spend my time worrying at Emily's house while we watch movies and drink wine. Oh, also, I still have to go to the laundromat to wash my clothes. Because our dryer's broken.
On that note, New York is consuming me. I spend my time on Craig's List looking at available apartments in Brooklyn and Washington Heights. I look for jobs and find none. It's just out of reach and frustrating. I need to get it out of my system.
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