A Three In The Morning Thought

Something I thought about today.

No matter how many times you're in a show, the pre-show jitters always make you question why you've decided to act in the first place.

There I was tonight, not knowing anyone in the audience, standing backstage and trying not to pee my pants. And then it was my cue to enter and all of my lines erased from my mind. Then I was on stage, sitting and it was too late and I just wanted to run off sobbing while thinking about choosing another major. But then the lines came to me like they always have. And the audience disappeared and it was just Matt and I on stage in a little restaurant making small talk. Wonderful how it happens, really.

After the show, John, Karin and I went to Casey's and got some munchies and then played a round of pool. During which, Ethan and Hulk called and begged us to go to Taco Bell with them. Before hand, there were shots and John was absolutely hilarious. And then the Taco Bell was delicious (even though we had already had munchies) and Andrew came by and there was crazy talk and a lot of, "Well, feel MY abs!"

And then we all were at the BSEO house dancing and being ridiculous whilst drinking some brew and then John and I left and here I am in my room, writing a stupid post about almost nothing at all.

Friday the 13th was officially (or not so officially) two months. Some days it feels like we've just met and some days it feels like we've known each other forever.

If there's anything I've learned in the past year, it's to a.) let go, b.) make peace, and c.) cry whenever the hell you feel like it because it's good for you.