Back from the beach, all! Rehoboth is shiny as usual, with shell-speckled beaches, cold water, and an array of dead horseshoe crabs. Also, I am deciding to lay off the booze, after 100 rounds of Sorry and crab dip at a local bar.
I'm getting used to traveling light. This weekend was spent entirely in the same pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt. When the underwear got dirty, they were simply removed. And by dirty I mean probably are but it isn't obvious, dirty. Anyways, It was a free weekend.
In other news, I have my backpack prepared for hiking. Water bottle, water-proof clothing and compressable sleeping bag on deck. How many days left? 12 days, folks. Less than two weeks and I'm off again.
Baseball game this weekend? Yes.
Cleaning and packing? Yes.
As many home-cooked meals as possibly while I'm here seeing as I can't cook? Yes.
You should listen to The Cave Singers. Now.
Question: walking on this, what's it like?
Also, that is in reference to your photo... in the event that there was substantial ambiguity.
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